Delizie fatte a mano, esclusivamente con prodotti naturali e al cento per cento italiani, dolci tentazioni alle mandorle, firmate “La Galaverna” pronte a conquistarvi con sapori e profumi della tradizione varzese, per regalarvi un’emozione speciale.


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The Galaverna

Crumply, tasty and nutritious, from ancient taste reinterpreted in modern key to be perfect at every occasion. Cutting it with a knife is useless, the real almond cake doesn’t have to “hold the slice”, but be broken to pleasure, so that everyone can take a big or small piece that is… just as it comes.
A little advice: warm serving, warmth enhances its flavours and its unmistakable perfumes.

Almond cake available in the following formats:

Format 300g

Format 500g

Format 700g

Available in packaging or band